To apply for a place at our school for your child you will need to submit an online application via the Local Authority school admissions process. Please see their website for details:

Leicester City Council – School Admissions

Admission arrangements for our school are in our Admissions Policy, including how the Local Authority will allocate places on a priority basis (oversubscription criteria).

Admissions Policy – 2023 onwards 
Admissions Policy – 2026 Onwards

Orchard Mead Academy’s catchment area can be found here.

PAN for 2025/2026 will be 210 for all year groups    (Y11 2024-2025 is currently 240 but will drop next academic year)

How places are allocated if the school is oversubscribed

Leicester scheme for the admission arrangements for pupils to schools 2025/26

In-year Admissions

If you have moved address, recently arrived in Leicester or looking to change your child’s school, please click here for more information on how to apply for a place at our school.

Admissions Appeals

For information about how to appeal an admissions decision and the latest admissions appeals timetable, please click here.

Leicester Schools Admissions Team contact details:

Address: School Admissions Service, Customer Service Centre, York House, 91 Granby Street,

Leicester, LE1 6FB

Telephone: 0116 454 1009 (option 1)

Email: [email protected]

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like more information about our school.