We currently operate a split lunch time, this means that not all of the academy students are on lunch at any one time. Our split lunch has proven popular in recent student voice surveys and has had a positive impact on student behaviour and safety. It enable’s students to be served their lunch quicker and therefore to enjoy a better quality break, creating a positive dining experience for all.
The lunch timings are as follows:
Lunch 1: 12:00pm – 12:30pm
Lunch 2: 12:30pm- 1:00pm
Our senior staff are on duty every lunchtime, as well as our lunchtime supervisors and duty teaching staff, including PE staff who run a range of sports clubs during lunch.
We teach students etiquette at mealtimes and expect them to eat their food sensibly.
Our Students also have a great range of choice in food and drinks to purchase at break and lunchtimes, these can be purchased from one of three outlets; the main dining hall, our sports café, or the outdoor grab and go pod.
We ask that glass containers, fizzy drinks, sweets and chocolate are not bought into school. We also have pupils at school with nut allergies, therefore we have a ‘nut-free’ policy. Please check foods carefully.